Tuesday, December 24, 2019

All Quiet On The Western Front Tone Analysis - 722 Words

Erich Maria Remarque’s novel, All Quiet on the Western Front has a central theme of the harsh realities of war and a general negative attitude toward the subject. This attitude is synonymous of other war poems such as Dulce et Decorum Est by Wilfred Owen and War Is Kind by Stephen Crane; however, the attitudes are revealed differently in all three pieces through each respective author’s use of diction, imagery, and tone. In the novel All Quiet on the Western Front, by Erich Maria Remarque, the author effectively utilizes these literary devices in order to highlight his negative opinion toward the subject of war. Imagery is consistently used throughout the novel as Remarque accurately depicts the cruelty of warfare and its effects on the†¦show more content†¦A similar attitude can be found in Wilfred Owen’s poem Dulce et Decorum Est in which the author reveals the horrors of war through several poetic devices. Owen’s attitude toward war is first revealed through vivid imagery found on lines 9-16 at which point the author illustrates the scene of a soldier failing to put on his gas mask and dying in mustard gas. Within this scene the author also uses aggressive diction with words such as â€Å"drowning†, â€Å"guttering†, and â€Å"choking†, all of which invoke in the reader a sense of sympathy and understanding of the horrible acts both witnessed and experie nced by soldiers. Owen’s also employs different purposes for each stanza in the poem, the first stanza is very literal in the description of the soldiers, with a constant meter, until it is broken by different punctuation, seemingly representing the struggle of the broken down group to keep pace. The second stanza reveals an ugly and horrific side of warfare with the appalling description of a soldier in â€Å"an ecstasy of fumbling† for his gas mask but unfortunately fails to put it on in time. Owen then uses the word â€Å"drowning† to describe said soldier, which is both metaphorical, as he is lost â€Å"under a green sea†, but also to describe the atrocious effects of mustard gas which liquefies the lungs of its victims. The third stanzaShow MoreRelatedAnalysis : The Agony That His Friend 2077 Words   |  9 PagesAnalysis of AQWF Pages 22-24 Starting halfway down page 22, Paul begins describing the agony that his friend is in, he then goes into detail about every waking movement that Kemmerich endures. By going into detail about such movements, mannerisms and how â€Å"he just weeps with his head turned,† we begin to get a more inclusive look into the feelings that Paul is feeling when being sympathetic to his friends. We also begin to grasp an outlook on war that isn’t represented as commonly, the devotion andRead MorePoetry and War1681 Words   |  7 Pagesthrough the unique power of poetry. 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Monday, December 16, 2019

America in Comparison to Other Countries Free Essays

If more grammar classes ere added during high school, our country could be on the right path to catching up with the education in other countries. Every day, kids are exposed to poor grammar. Many songs, television shows, movies, and magazines use incorrect grammar. We will write a custom essay sample on America in Comparison to Other Countries or any similar topic only for you Order Now Songs often include phrases instead of complete thoughts, and some songs even contain words that don’t exist. If that is all that students see and hear, they won’t be able to make a distinction between the correct and incorrect way to speak. Text messaging has also caused kids to have poor writing skills. Testing causes kids to write by using fragments, Incorrect spelling, and poor punctuation. Americans don’t take the time to write correctly because they are so worried about getting things done quickly. U. S. Citizens don’t want to be bothered with making sure their punctuation Is correct or their comma Is In the right place. Students need repeated, dally practice to get away from the high-speed lifestyle they are used to, in order to be able to utilize grammar in the right way. Focusing more on grammar during English classes will reinforce proper grammar, and eliminate the issues that text messaging and new technology bring. As a country, understanding grammar can impact our lives. We need grammar to succeed in everyday life. When applying to a college or a Job, grammar is extremely important. College essays are a major part in being accepted in college, and making a good first impression. Once in college, English classes focus a lot on grammar In essays and research papers. Students would quickly fall behind If they were not familiar with basic grammar skills. Also, going to Job interviews requires you to use proper grammar. To be hired, the employee needs to speak well so that the boss knows the company will be well represented. Future Job applicants could end up being unemployed, simply because they weren’t grammatically educated to speak urine an interview or a board meeting. America would be lowering its standards if the education system decided to eliminate grammar from the curriculum. This basically gives permission for U. S. Citizens to be unmotivated and lazy. Colleges would have to lower their admittance standards, since SAT scores, ACT scores, and college essay scores would all be lower. This would put us even further behind other countries and their educational progress. The United States would regress from an already low educational level. We would fall so far behind other countries, and never be able to catch up. If grammar continues to be pushed to the side over the years, it will eventually be eliminated. Grammar may not seem Important, but It can change our lives. Speaking properly helps us In college, Jobs, and even social events. Focusing more on grammar In English curriculums Is a small change could make a difference for our country. It may not put us at the highest ranking for education, but s certainly a start we need to prove to toner countries Tanat we are not quilters, and we certainly will not lower our standards. If anything, we should try to higher our standards so that we will not be so inferior to other countries. How to cite America in Comparison to Other Countries, Papers

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Theories Of Literacy Samples for Students †MyAssignmenthelp.com

Question: Discuss about theTheorie Of Literacy and Types. Answer: Literacies Theory refers to a notion that references the reality for purposes of explaining a particular situation. There are many methods that play a significant role in the way individuals perceive literacy. These theories of literacy include Family Literacy Theory, Maturation Theory, Emergent Literacy Theory, Piagets Theory of Cognitive Development among others such as Stage Models of Reading and Theory of Literacy Development (Godwin, Herb, Ricketts Wymer, 2013). Notes for slide 3 The Family Literacy Theory focuses on several ideas that are distributed by researchers. The primary purpose of this approach is that it concentrates on the design, evaluation and implementation of certain aspects that contribute to the development of literacy among members of a family (Lilly Green, 2004). The main purpose of this theory is to emphasize on the significance of student achievement through family involvement. Further, the approach focuses on the relationship between the parents and teachers in share information on literacy both in school and home. It also focuses on creating awareness to the parents about learning environment that contributes to the success of the student (Li, 2010). Notes for slide 3 Maturation Theory suggests that parents and teachers do not necessarily have to force children into reading and emphasize that the will do so whenever they are ready. It is only when the children are old enough to take instruction is when they can be taught how to read. Notes for slide 4 Emergent Literacy theory tends to suggest that the knowledge that children acquire before they are enrolled in school plays a significant role in helping the children to learn how to read and write. Scholars say that this theory begins to apply immediately after a child is born. Notes for slide 4 Piagets theory of Cognitive Development implies that there are distinct stages which are responsible for particular behavior in a child. These activities play a crucial role in helping the teachers to understand the needs of an individual child. Further, the theory insinuates that these activities are classified under four stages namely; sensorimotor stage, Preoperational stage, concrete operational and formal operational. Notes for slide 5 According to Stages Model of Reading, scholars believe that childrens ability to read is focused on keyword identification which then helps them to develop strategies to make reading easy. The word identification stage comprises of four stages which include; Pre-Alphabetic Stage, Partial Alphabetic Stage, Full Alphabetic Stage and Consolidated Alphabetic Stage (Wang, 2017). Notes for slide 5 Lastly, the theory of Literacy Development suggests that the process of reading falls under natural development that is facilitated by Oral language skills. This theory has four elements that create meaning in the learning process. The four elements include Observation, Collaboration, Practice and Performance. Notes for slide 6 There are some approaches to literacy that influence the learning outcomes of children. For instance, critical discourse analysis is one of the strategies that facilitate the study of language and facilitates discussions in social scenarios. This approach borrows from poststructuralist discourse theory as well as linguistics. The method is based relationship within the society through language and writing. The advancement in new sociology is significant in the application of western philosophy that helps in addressing educational theory and problems. The poststructuralist discourse theory evaluates how discussions, writing and texts play a critical role in various situations. The theory is crucial in the identification of certain patterns among the people. This approach focuses on whether there exist individuals that are independent of cultural approaches that facilitate learning and reading. The education application of this theory suggests that social science played a significant role in influencing the direction of research on education. Further, the theory focuses on family approaches and methods that are used in the study of language as well as texts from literary theories, linguistic and the philosophy of language and sociology. This approach was applied after the world war to examine the semantic structures in a sentence. The theory helped the educators to detect a semantic error in a series of second language learners (Hull Hernandez, 2008). Critical discourse analysis is a theory that is used to analyze the methods for evaluating texts, language use as well as cultural practices. This aspect is made up of other perspectives such as post-structuralism which focuses on institutions and other elements that contribute to a persons actions (Corson, 1995). The critical analysis also borrows from Bourdieus sociology which suggests that textual aspects are related to a culture which creates value in the society. Besides, this discussion analysis is based on the neo-Marxist cultural theory that suggests that linguistic studies are as a result of interaction within the political communities (Apple, 1996). Notes for slide 7 and 8 Literacy plays a fundamental role in different communities because it is a right that is necessary to facilitate education. To understand the function of literacy, one must be able to recognize the need for it to individuals, families, society and the nation. One key function of literacy among different communities is that it plays a significant role in the decision-making process, personal empowerment as well as active participation in the society. Further, functions of literacy can be categorized into human functions, political functions and cultural functions. Human functions of literacy comprise of several factors such as self-esteem, creativity, critical reflection and empowerment. When it comes to political benefits of literacy, we focus on factors such as political participation. This implies that educated people can contribute to their well-being through voting or voice their concerns that are related to their democratic rights. Right to literacy contributes to growth in demo cracy as well as education. Lastly, the functions of literacy in cultural benefits include cultural change and preservation of cultural diversity. Additionally, Literacy contributes to social benefits within a given community through improvement of health, education, reproductive behavior and gender equality. There are economic benefits of literacy which plays an impact on the economic growth and return to investments. Notes for slide 9 ( Traditional students) In a study conducted on Latina community, college on literacy and achievement indicate that the Latinas are strategically placed in families, communities and school for purposes of reducing language barriers to achieve their academic objectives. The data from this research shows intersection in ideologies, attitudes and strategies that Latina women use to accomplish their academic objectives (Lynn, 2017). These women have to negotiate through racial language as well as their history of literacy ideologies to participate in education in California The racial profiling they receive exposes them to marginalization that limits their educational achievement. The women lack the skill to help them with the intersection of language and knowledge from educators. Notes for slide 10 Social issues related to literacy include health where infant mortality is reduced in mothers who are literate as opposed to parents who are illiterate. Also, education is important which can be attested by the fact that parents who are educated are likely to take their children to schools as opposed to those parents that never attended school or any adult program. Besides, abstract reasoning is an aspect of formal schooling, cultural practices as well as socialization (Li, 2003). Social literacy plays a significant role in improving gender equality as studies show that majority of literacy programs are targeting women which implies that this move intended on improving inequality among women as opposed to gender equality. The level of literacy is significant in a social setting as it relates to how well participants in a particular community can actively engage in new ideas and practices within the society (Piller, 2016). The recognition of the intersection of social, cultural, econo mic and political benefits of literacy helps to create a better environment for everybody. References Apple M W (1996) Cultural Politics in Education, Teachers College Press, New York Corson D (ed.) (1995) Discourse and Power in Educational Organizations, Hampton Press, Creskill, New Jersey Godwin, E., Herb, B., Ricketts, A. Wymer, S. (2013). Theories of Literacy Development 1930s Present Day. Available at http//:hillerspires.wikispaces.com/file/view/Theories% Hull, G. A., Hernandez, G. (2008). Literacy. In B. Spolsky, et al. (Eds.),The Handbook of Educational Linguistics(pp. 328-340). Malden, MA and Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. Li, G. (2003). Literacy, Culture, and Politics of Schooling: Counter narratives of a Chinese Canadian Family.Anthropology Education Quarterly, 34(2), 182-204. Li, G. (2010). Race, Class, and Schooling: Multicultural Families Doing the Hard Work of Home Literacy in America's Inner City.Reading Writing Quarterly, 26(2), 140-165. Lilly, E. Green, C. (2004). Developing Partnerships with Families through Childrens Literature. Boston: Pearson Allyn Bacon Prentice Hall Lynn, Morgan, (2017). "Latina Identities, Critical Literacies, and Academic Achievement in Community College" Doctoral Dissertations. 923. https://scholarworks.umass.edu/dissertations_2/923 Piller, I. (2016). Linguistic Diversity in Education.Linguistic Diversity and Social Justice: An Introduction to Applied Sociolinguistics(pp. 98-129). New York: Oxford University Press. Wang, X. (2017). Transnational Chinese Students Literacy and Networking Practices.Journal of Adolescent Adult Literacy, 60(6), 687-696.